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الاثنين، 3 أكتوبر 2011

Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito arrive in court

Amanda Knox and her for­mer Ital­ian boyfriend, Raffaele Sol­lecito, have arrived in court at the start of the 20th and decisive hearing of their joint appeal against convictions for the murder of the British student, Mered­ith Kerch­er.
Both ap­pellants are expected to plead in per­son for their appeals to be upheld and their sen­tences to be overturned. The fres­coed and vaulted 14th-centu­ry court­room was packed with jostling cam­era crews and reporters as proceed­ings began more than half an hour behind sched­ule.
Monday's proceed­ings were due to open with a final rebuttal from Knox's lawyer, Lu­ciano Ghirga. Af­ter the person­al state­ments by the         
American student and her ex-lover, the two pro­fes­sion­al judges will re­tire togeth­er with six lay judges who are to help them reach a deci­sion.
Knox is fight­ing a 26-year pri­son term. Sol­lecito is serving 25 years. Both have already spent almost four years behind bars since their arrest in November, 2007.
Local au­guries for their appeal were                           
inconclusive, but showed up a divi­sion that did not bode well for the ap­pellants. A sur­vey among Ital­ian uni­versity students, carried out by the website Uni­, found that the 6,130 respondents split almost evenly be­tween those who thought the couple were inno­cent (44%), and those who thought they were guilty (48%), with the re­mainder un­certain.
But the bal­ance of opin­ion was starkly differ­ent accord­ing to gender. Only 21% of men thought Knox and Sol­lecito should con­tinue to serve their sen­tences. Among women, the proportion rose to 68%.
The poll, reported by the Ital­ian news agency Ansa, is partic­ularly rel­evant in the light of the predom­inantly female pan­el that will reach a deci­sion. Both the pro­fes­sion­al judges, who             
will cast three votes be­tween them, are men. But the lay judges, who have six ballots, include five women.
Kerch­er, from Coulsdon in Surrey, was found with her throat slashed in the flat she shared with Knox in Pe­rugia where both women were studying at the city's uni­versity for for­eigners. Af­ter the American student and her then boyfriend were arrested, it was discovered that a third per­son, Rudy Guede, had left extensive ev­idence of his pres­ence at the scene of the crime.
He has since been convicted and sen­tenced to 16 years in jail. Two appeals by Guede have been turned down.
The appeal by Knox and Sol­lecito took a sen­sa­tional turn in June when two, independent, court-ap­pointed experts dismissed as

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