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الخميس، 20 أكتوبر 2011

Bad Blood Between Perry and Romney Is Longstanding

WASH­INGTON — The hos­tilities flar­ing be­tween Mitt Romney and Gov. Rick Perry of Texas have been steadily ris­ing in­side both camps and may signal a new, more combat­ive phase in the Re­publican pres­idential campaign.
The harsh exchanges be­tween the men at a debate in Las Vegas this week made clear the differ­ences — in style and sub­stance, background and be­lief — fac­ing vot­ers as they get clos­er to se­lecting the party’s nom­i­nee. Mr. Romney and Mr. Perry have been on a colli­sion course for months, since Mr. Perry began consid­ering a run for the pres­idency.
But the ani­mosities began long ago, set off by a       
se­ries of po­lit­ical encounters that began when the two men were gover­nors — Mr. Romney in Massachusetts — fight­ing over the ser­vices of a po­lit­ical consultant.
The story of their po­lit­ical relation­ship starts with two am­bi­tious men whose life sto­ries led them to the state­house. But the similar­ities in their ca­reers have always been out­weighed by the differ­ences, and by the mo­ments of person­al and pro­fes­sion­al conflict.
Mr. Romney’s deci­sion, as chairman of the Re­publican Gover­nors As­sociation in 2006, to hire a consultant who was working for one of Mr. Perry’s po­lit­ical oppo­nents left the Texas gover­nor angry, aides said.
“I think that started the downhill dec­line in the relation­ship be­tween the two of them,” a Texas Re­publican op­erative said on Wednesday,                 
recall­ing the ten­sion that existed at the time. “They have nev­er been close.”
It was not long before Mr. Perry crit­icized Mr. Romney by name in his 2008 book about the history of the Boy Scouts. To Mr. Romney’s annoyance, Mr. Perry noted that the Scouts were blocked from partic­ipation in the 2002 Winter Olympic Games, which Mr. Romney led.
“In the absence of an ex­pla­nation,” Mr. Perry wrote, “it is diffi­cult to avoid the conclu­sion that the deci­sion was made as a re­action to the protests of gay activist groups.”
Mr. Romney beat Mr. Perry to the national stage, mount­ing his first bid for the pres­idency in 2008. Mr. Perry’s deci­sion to endorse Rudolph W. Giu­liani, the for­mer New York mayor, over his fel­low gover­nor, added to the in­sult that Mr. Romney felt, accord­ing to                    

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