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الأحد، 2 أكتوبر 2011

Key Syrian City Takes On the Tone of a Civil War

This article was reported by a correspondent for The New York Times in Homs, Syr­ia, and written by Antho­ny Shadid in Beirut, Lebanon.
HOMS, Syr­ia — The semblance of a civ­il war has erupted in Homs, Syr­ia’s third-largest city, where armed protesters now call them­selves rev­olution­ar­ies, gun bat­tles erupt as of­ten as ev­ery few hours, secu­rity forces and oppo­nents carry out as­sas­sinations, and rifles cost­ing as much as $2,000 apiece flood the city from abroad, res­idents say.
Since the start of the upris­ing in March, Homs has stood as one of Syr­ia’s most con­tested cities, its youth among the best orga­nized and most tena­cious. But across the po­lit­ical                   
spectrum, res­idents speak of a decisive shift in past weeks, as a largely peaceful upris­ing gives way to a grinding struggle that has made Homs vio­lent, fearful and determined.
An­a­lysts caution that the strife in Homs is still spe­cif­ic to the city it­self, and many in the oppo­sition reject vio­lence because they fear it will serve as a pretext for the govern­ment’s brutal crackdown.
But in the tar­geted killings, the rival secu­rity check­points and the hard­ening of sectar­ian senti­ments, the city offers a dark vi­sion that could fore­tell the fu­ture of Syr­ia’s upris­ing as both the govern­ment and the oppo­sition ready them­selves for a pro­tracted struggle over the endurance of a four-decade dictator­ship.
“We are done with the protest­ing phase,” said       
a 21-year-old en­g­i­neering student here who spoke on the con­dition of anonymity for fear of reprisal. “We’ve now entered a more                 
important phase.”
Homs is a microcosm of Syr­ia, with a Sunni Muslim major­ity and minorities of Chris­tians       
Homs Quarters Union, via Associated Press

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