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الخميس، 20 أكتوبر 2011

Gaddafi killed as Libya's revolt takes hometown

SIRTE, Libya (Reuters) - Muammar Gaddafi is dead, Libya's new leaders said, killed by fight­ers who overran his home­town and final bastion on Thursday. His blood­ied body was stripped and displayed around the world from cell­phone video.
Se­nior of­ficials in the in­terim govern­ment, which ended his 42-year rule two months ago but had la­bored to subdue thou­sands of diehard loyalists, said his death opened the way for a dec­la­ration of "lib­eration" af­ter eight months of war.
His body was expected in the long-standing rebel stronghold of Mis­rata, of­ficials said as their West­ern sponsors held off from                           
confirm­ing that Gaddafi, a self-styled king of kings whom they had lately courted af­ter decades of enmity, was dead at 69.
Af­ter Prime Min­is­ter Mahmoud Jib­ril confirmed his demise, the new national flag, res­urrected by rebels who forced Gaddafi from his cap­ital Tripoli in Au­gust, filled streets and squares as jubilant crowds whooped for joy and fired in the air.
In Sirte, a one-time fish­ing village and Gaddafi's home­town that grandiose schemes had styled a new "cap­ital of Africa," fight­ers danced, bran­dish­ing a gold­en pistol they said they had tak­en from Gaddafi.
Accounts were hazy of his final hours, which also appeared to have cost the lives of se­nior aides. But top of­ficials of the National Tran­sitional Council, including Abdel Majid Mlegta, said he had died of wounds sustained in clashes.
One pos­sible de­scription, pieced togeth­er from var­ious sources, suggests that Gaddafi may have tried to break out of his final redoubt at dawn in a convoy of vehicles af­ter weeks of dogged resistance. Howev­er, he was stopped by a NATO airstrike and cap­tured, pos­sibly             
three or four hours lat­er, af­ter gunbat­tles with NTC fight­ers who found him hiding in a drainage culvert.
NATO said its war­planes fired on a convoy near Sirte about 8:30 a.m. (2:30 a.m. EDT), striking two military vehicles in the group, but could not confirm that Gaddafi had been a pas­sen­ger.
Accounts from his en­e­mies suggested his cap­ture, and death soon af­ter from wounds, may have tak­en place around noon.
One of Gaddafi's sons, heir-ap­par­ent Saif al-Islam, was at large, they be­lieved.
NTC of­ficial Mlegta told Reuters that Gaddafi had been wounded in both legs early in the morning as he tried to flee in the convoy which NATO war­planes attacked
"He was also hit in his head," he said

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