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الاثنين، 3 أكتوبر 2011

Rick Perry deflects scrutiny over Texas hunting camp, is blasted by Herman Cain

Texas Gov. Rick Perry's pres­idential campaign spent Sunday deflecting scruti­ny of a report in The Wash­ington Post detailing a West Texas hunt­ing camp he once leased with his fa­ther that includes a racial ep­i­thet in its name.
It is the lat­est in a se­ries of con­tro­ver­sies the can­didate has con­tended with in re­cent weeks as he seeks to retain the front-runner status he quickly claimed af­ter en­tering the race sev­en weeks ago. Perry cre­ated a stir Sat­urday when he told a crowd of New Hampshire Re­publicans that he would consid­er sending U.S. troops into Mexico to combat drug vio­lence there.
Sunday's story detailed Perry's as­sociation with a prop­erty known as "Nig­ger­head," a             
name that was painted in block letters across a large rock flank­ing the prop­erty's entrance. Perry has called the name "offensive" and said his fa­ther painted over the word short­ly af­ter leas­ing the land. That account differs from the rec­ol­lections of sev­en people cited in the story, and it re­mains unclear when or whether Perry dealt with the name while us­ing the camp.
One of Perry's rivals for the GOP nom­ination, for­mer Godfa­ther's Pizza exec­utive Herman Cain, crit­icized Perry in appear­ances on "Fox News Sunday" and ABC's "This Week" as tol­erating the sign on a prop­erty he used. Civ­il rights activist Al Sharpton called for Perry to explain more fully his relation­ship to the prop­erty or bow out of the pres­idential race.
"There isn't a more vile, neg­ative word than the n-word," Cain said on Fox. "And for him to         
leave it there as long as he did before he painted over it, it's just plain in­sensitive to a lot of black people in this country."
The Perry campaign put out sev­eral state­ments seeking to con­trol the dam­age and push back against Cain's re­marks.
"Mr. Cain is wrong about the Perry fam­ily's quick action to elim­inate the word on the rock,       
but is right the word written by oth­ers long ago is in­sensitive and offensive," said Ray Sullivan, communications di­rector for Perry's campaign. "That is why the Perrys took quick action to cover and obscure it."
Perry has been dogged of late by un­even debate performances; out­muscled by the better-funded op­eration of his chief rival for the nom­ination, for­mer Massachusetts gover­nor Mitt Romney; and barraged with questions about whether some of his more con­tro­ver­sial state­ments hinder his electability in a po­tential matchup against Pres­ident Obama.
Perry's re­mark Sat­urday about pos­sibly putting U.S. troops in Mexico was quickly crit­icized by for­eign-pol­icy experts. They said sending forces into Mexico would be un­accept­able to the Mexican people, who partly blame

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